Croeso i Ysgol Derwenfa
Ysgol Derwenfa Primary School
Telephone: 01352 770477
Email: lemail@hwbcymru.net
Ysgol Derwenfa Primary School - Telephone: 01352 770477 - Email: lemail@hwbcymru.net -
Caring - Growing - Nurturing - Succeeding -
About Us:
Ysgol Derwenfa is an established primary school in the village of Leeswood in Flintshire, founded in 1980 . The school mainly serves pupils from the local community, as well as children from nearby villages around the outskirts of Mold. From September 2024, there will be 77 pupils from Reception to Year 6 at the school, and 4 part time pupils in the nursery. There will be four mixed-age classes in the school with 4 teachers and 6 teaching assistants. The headteacher Mr Andrew Jones has been in post for 18 years and has developed strong links with families and the local community.
The percentage of pupils who are entitled to free school meals (FSM) is 37.33%, which is above the average for Wales. The school has identified 14 pupils as having additional learning need ( 4 statemented, 4 School Action Plus, 6 School Action as of PLASC June 2022). All pupils come from English-speaking homes and no pupils speak Welsh as their first language. There were no exclusions during the last academic year.
The last Estyn Inspection at Ysgol Derwenfa was in December 2022. The school received praise for its caring and nurturing approach, as well as the high focus placed on well-being. We invite any prospective parents to explore our Estyn inspection which can be found on this website.
The school has developing links with external agencies to provide additional support for pupils and families. The school is also a proactive member of the local cluster of schools. These schools collaborate effectively, sharing staff expertise and co-constructing teaching and learning resources.
Leeswood under 5s playgroup are located within the school building. They provide playgroup in the mornings and ‘Wrap around’ provision in the afternoons for any parents who require it. We have a very good relationship with playgroup and they are very much a part of the school.
Children are taught in the main by their class teacher but on occasions, they are taught by other members of staff, to utilise staff expertise, and for PPA purposes.
At the age of 11 the children are transferred to Ysgol Castell Alun, Hope or Ysgol Alun, Mold but parents may opt for St. Richard Gwyn School, Flint, for religious reasons, or they may choose Ysgol Maes Garmon, Mold, for Welsh linguistic reasons.
National Nurturing School Award (Nurture UK)
National Quality Mark for Healthy Schools
Cymraeg Campus Bronze Award
Dragon Sport Platinum Award for PE and School Sport (Aura)
National Nurturing School Award (Nurture UK) National Quality Mark for Healthy Schools Cymraeg Campus Bronze Award Dragon Sport Platinum Award for PE and School Sport (Aura)
Our Location:
Ysgol Derwenfa
Queen Street