Enrichment Opportunities:
School Visitors:
We believe in developing an enriched curriculum which inspires our children to believe in themselves to become the best possible version of themselves.
Our School assemblies provide our children with the opportunity to:
To meet people of from different backgrounds, religions and nationalities enabling the children to become ‘ethically and informed citizens’ who are aware of their local area and wider world.
To meet professionals from different contexts to develop an understanding of future careers, enabling our children to become ‘ambitious and capable learners’ who are also ‘enterprising and creative contributors’ who pursue their dreams.
To learn about how to keep safe in school, at home and in their local communities. Visitors may include the emergency services as well as charities and key organisations who enable people to stay safe.
Learn about and take part in physical activity/initiatives which promote healthy eating and drinking, enabling the children to grow up and become ‘healthy and confident individuals.
School Trips:
Chester Zoo
Blists Hill Victorian Town
Wrexham University Visit
Residential Trips:
Whole School Initiatives:
We participate in a number of whole school initiatives across the school including:
Harvest Performance and Foodbank Appeal
Anti-Bullying Week organised by the Anti-Bullying Alliance
Remembrance Day
School Eisteddfod
Careers Day
World Book Day
National School Sport Week
Cultural Diversity Week