School Committees

School Council

We have an established school council which meets regularly to discuss a variety of issues to do with school life. The children elect their own representatives from Year 2 to Year 6. Through the School Council, children are able to have an influence and help develop the ethos and practices of our school.

Our School Counsellors for this year are:

Year 2 - George D and Emmy H

Year 3 - Shona and Chanelle H

Year 4 - Libby H and Harley P

Year 5 - Finley D and Lola SR

Year 6 - Elliott G and Lola H

This term the School Council organised a ‘Break the Rules’ day to raise money for Children in Need. We raised an amazing £123.30!

Criw Cymraeg

Dyma y Criw Cymraeg!

The Criw Cymraeg were appointed to improve the quality of incidental Welsh and a Welsh ethos being used in English-Medium primary schools. We are currently working towards our Bronze Award.

Click on Dewi Draig to see the targets we are focusing on.

To promote the Welsh language used in and out of school, the Criw Cymraeg meet weekly to decide on the following weeks' Dywediad yr wythnos’. They then present this during their Criw Cymraeg Assemblies.

Our Welsh Display.

Criw on a Siaradwr Cymraeg yr Wythnos. They present a child from each class with a certificate to celebrate them using lots of Cymraeg that week. A member of Staff is awarded a certificate weekly too!

As part of Targed 7, the Criw Cymraeg are responsible for organising enrichment activities to promote the Welsh Ethos. Through Pupil Voice, they planned A Bore Bril event to coincide with the Wales Vs Iran game. We had a special visitor (Mistar Urdd), face paints and sang Welsh songs to show their support for our country in The World Cup 2022.

Elliott Graham - The winner of our Eisteddfod Chair!

School Governing Body

Every school has a Governing Body which is made up of the following:

§  Parents of children who attend school

§  Teachers from the school

§  People appointed by the Local Education authority

§  Businessmen and women and others working within the local community

The Governors have an important role to play. In conjunction with the Headteacher they are involved in:

§  Interviewing and selecting staff

§  Deciding how the school budget is spent

§  Overseeing the curriculum

§  Setting standards of behaviour.

Governors usually serve for a period of four years and they require no special qualifications. All Governors are informed about their responsibilities and training is available. The Governing Body meets at least once a term and there are additional meetings for other business. At the end of each year Governors prepare a report for parents and they are invited to a meeting to discuss its contents.

Ysgol Derwenfa Governing Body


Cllr Raymond Hughes

Vice Chairperson

Mrs Angela Eardley (Co-opted)

Parent Governors

Mr David Rule

Mrs Kerry Griffith

L.E.A Governor

Mrs Marie Reynolds

Cllr Carlton Jones

Co-opted Governors

Mrs Clare Coleman

Rev Dr Martin M’Caw B.A B.D

Community Council Governor

Cllr David Crowther

Staff Governor


Teacher Governor

Mr. John Jones


Mr.Andrew Jones B.Ed M.A

Clerk to the Governors

Mrs Alison Sindall

Friends of the School

We are very fortunate to have a very active and supportive Friends of the School Association.   Through the committee's hard work in organising events and activities and through the support of parents and the community at large, around £1500/£2000 is raised for the school annually.  

Without this money we would find it extremely difficult to provide the children with the tools and materials that we consider are essential for their development. Meetings are held twice a term and all parents are welcome to attend.

Just this term we had a ‘Movie Night’ organised my our Friends of the School that raised £125!