Estyn Inspections:

Please take the time to read our most recent Estyn inspection, which will enable you to gain a better understanding of our caring and nurturing school:

Estyn Website: Ysgol Derwenfa | Estyn (

Full Report (2022): Inspection report Ysgol Derwenfa 2023 (

Report for Parents and Carers (2022): Parents and carers - Inspection Report - Ysgol Derwenfa 2023 (

Estyn Recommendations:

R1 - Improve opportunities for pupils to develop their numeracy and digital skills progressively across the curriculum

R2 - Improve pupils’ speaking skills in Welsh

“The school is a nurturing and caring environment where pupils feel safe, happy, and secure” (Estyn 2022)

“All teachers create and maintain positive working relationships with pupils. They are ably supported by teaching assistants who provide purposeful guidance for groups of pupils and individuals”. (Estyn 2022)

“Pupils at Ysgol Derwenfa are polite, courteous, and respectful towards each other, staff, and visitors. They are proud of their school and feel safe and secure within its positive and caring learning environment”. (Estyn 2022)

“Ysgol Derwenfa is a nurturing and hard-working school that places a high priority on the well-being of its staff and pupils” (Estyn 2022)